Where layers are stored and how to change it Every time you docker pull then docker run that container - they are the same. Layer storage is all the files that are built into the container. Layer StorageĪs described in the Containers Overview, container images are a bundle of files expressed as a series of layers.
When a new container instance is started, a new scratch space is provided for the instance. When a container instance is stopped, all changes that occurred in the scratch space are thrown away. File creation and file writes are captured in the scratch space and do not escape to the host. All container I/O happens in a 'scratch space' and each container gets their own scratch. Windows containers by default use ephemeral storage.
Containers use a 'scratch' space by default, but Windows also provides a means to persist storage. By nature, containers are built to prevent an app running within them from writing state all over the host's filesystem. Containers behave differently than virtual machines when it comes to storage. This topic provides an overview of the different ways containers use storage on Windows.