It looks like the ftp timeout property has to be set between 1 and 300, so even though I am explicitly assigning a timeout property of 0 in my connection via script, it is still.
I tried using the ftp task, as well as writing (reverse engineering) an ftp script task using FtpWebRequest.Create and both methods work as long as the files are small.One of the first tools we developed to help us with Project Thoth was Kebechet, which we named for the goddess of freshness and purification.As we separated our software into more and more repositories (each of our Python modules is in its own repository on GitHub), we needed help with releasing new versions and keeping all dependent modules up-to-date.
Below is the sample command where we try to download an jpg image file from a URL and also gave a name and number_of_threads. This command shows the “Usage” of the click command tool and options that the tool can accepts.